4 More Fun Things To Do With Your Memory-Impaired Loved One

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Last month’s blog, “4 Fun Activities To Do With Memory-Impaired Loved Ones,” discussed playing card or board games, doing jigsaw puzzles, doing crafts, and looking at photo albums.  But there are so many fun things that you can do together, we wanted to continue with the topic for one more blog.  It can be hard to think of things to do, especially when you are tired or have a lot on your mind.  Having a quick, easy list to refer to can be helpful, and that’s what we hope these blogs are for you – a useful tidbit to make your time with your loved one fun and entertaining for both of you! 

4 fun things you can do with your memory-impaired loved one are:  1)  decorating their apartment, 2)  eating together, 3) telling stories, and 4) doing their favorite activity.  These activities can brighten your loved one’s day, give them something to look forward to, and add to your memories of time spent together.

We know that memory challenges, such as Alzheimer’s, can be devastating for both the person experiencing memory impairment, as well as their loved ones.  At Victoria Landing, we encourage you to spend as much time with your loved one as possible.  While they may no longer be able to retain the memories of these times spent together, you can. They will be memories you look back on fondly.  Nobody regrets spending more time with the ones they love; they only regret not spending more time with them.  This article will suggest 4 more fun things you can do together!  We hope you try them all!

#1 Decorating Their Apartment

At Victoria Landing, our memory care neighborhood is called The Boardwalk.  At The Boardwalk, your loved one can retain a sense of independence and dignity as they reside in a private apartment consisting of a bedroom and bathroom.  All meals are provided for all the residents of Victoria Landing, so no kitchen area is needed.  This amenity does not exist at the The Boardwalk for the safety of the residents. 

Having their own apartment means decorating time!  We recommend decorating with items from their previous home to give them a sense of familiarity and comfort.  Additionally, putting out pictures of family may help your loved one feel comfortable and help promote memory retrieval.  Older photos, in particular, may be helpful as long-term memory usually stays intact longer than short-term memory.

Don’t just decorate their apartment for them.  Let them be an active participant and have a say in how they want to decorate.  Maybe a little shopping trip to buy photo frames, wall art, or a nice vase for flowers would be something you both enjoy.  Your loved one may be struggling with memory, but they are still “in there” with opinions, likes, and dislikes, so respect their decorating wishes.

#2  Eat Together

This may sound simple, but isn’t it nicer to share a meal with someone rather than sitting alone?  Sure, we all enjoy a little “me time.”  Maybe eating alone while you read a book or watch a favorite show sounds nice, but would you want to do it all the time?  While your loved one may have some wonderful new friends at Victoria Landing, surely they would enjoy having you take them to a favorite restaurant or coming to share a meal with them in our dining area, prepared by our fabulous chef!  You could also bring a favorite homecooked meal, maybe something they used to make for you, to share in their apartment, in a common area, or outdoors on our beautiful grounds.

#3  Telling Stories

When you come to visit your loved one, try to come for your visit with some stories in mind.  Maybe your kids did or said something funny this week that you can share.  Think of a memory you have of your loved one and share it with them.  Try to get them to interact and tell you a story.  This is an amazing opportunity to learn more about them.  Because the distant past may be easier for them to recall, you may hear some stories you have never heard before about their childhood or early adult years!  You may even want to record them so that you can keep these stories as a keepsake, straight from their mouths!

#4  Do One of Their Favorite Activities

Is there something your loved one really enjoys doing?  Do it with them!  If they like to knit and you don’t know how, let them teach you.  If they have a favorite TV show or movie, watch it with them.  The list could be endless.  Whatever it is, join in and have some fun together!


September 21 is World Alzheimer’s Day, so it only seemed appropriate for this month’s blog to focus on your amazing loved one who is struggling with memory impairment.  The Boardwalk at Victoria Landing offers beautiful, private apartments with nursing care for daily tasks, and 24-hour security.  It is the perfect setting for you to come and spend time with your memory-challenged loved one!

Decorating their apartment together, eating together at a restaurant or Victoria Landing, telling each other stories to laugh and reminisce, and doing your loved one’s favorite activity are all ways to spend time together.  Make new memories for yourself so that you will look back on this time together fondly.  And spend time with your loved one; you won’t regret it!

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